I recently received a copy of the latest installment of Kazu Kibuishi's incredible graphic novel series, Amulet, and like the previous volumes, it never ceases to amaze. Without giving too much away, the series revolves around a girl named Emily. Following the death of her father in a car accident, Emily moves with her mother and younger brother to an old house formerly owned by her great-grandfather. Upon arrival, she discovers the eponymous amulet, a monster kidnaps her mom, and saving private mother means venturing into an alternate world populated by all manner of strange creatures and machines.
The style is cartoony and undoubtedly anime-influenced, but from the first page onward, Kazu's backgrounds and depiction of main setting Alledia are a sight to behold. Every page is drawn by Kibuishi himself, then colored and shaded in Adobe Photoshop, bringing to life an unforgettable adventure.
To sum things up, Amulet is one heck of a ride, one I recommend to any fan of fantasy or fiction. The story is great, the characters are memorable, and the setting is just breathtaking. In the pantheon of modern epics, from Star Wars to Avatar: The Last Airbender, it deserves a place of honor.
Trailer for the series leading up to book 4 (Warning! Light spoilers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL7QSBT9GNQ&feature=youtu.be